--- # tasks file for zoreide - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "ENABLED = {{ zoreide_enabled }}; zoreide-role; install and configure zoreide HA" - name: Get $PATH ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "echo $PATH" register: path_env - name: check go version is at least 1.21 when: - "zoreide_enabled is true" - 'go_path is defined' - "'global.update_only' not in ansible_run_tags" environment: PATH: '{{ go_path }}:{{ path_env }}' shell: go version | grep go.1.21 register: go_check ignore_errors: true - when: - 'zoreide_enabled is true' - 'go_path is defined' - "'global.update_only' not in ansible_run_tags" - 'go_check|failed' block: - name: Install git if needed ansible.builtin.package: name: git - name: Official repo print url debug: msg: "{{ zoreide_git_url }}" - name: Compile zoreide become: true become_user: root block: - name: Check if repo is cloned stat: path: "{{ zoreide_installation_path }}" register: installation_path - name: Clone repo when: 'not installation_path.stat.exists' ansible.builtin.git: repo: "{{ zoreide_git_url }}" dest: "{{ zoreide_installation_path }}" single_branch: yes version: "{{ zoreide_git_branch }}" - name: Update repo ansible.builtin.git: repo: "{{ zoreide_git_url }}" dest: "{{ zoreide_installation_path }}" update: yes - name: Get $PATH ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "echo $PATH" register: path_env - name: Build executable ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "go build" chdir: "{{ zoreide_installation_path }}" environment: PATH: '{{ go_path }}:{{ path_env }}' args: executable: /bin/bash - include_tasks: "install_{{ ansible_service_mgr }}_service.yml" ignore_errors: true - name: copy zoreide.json config copy: src: ../files/zoreide.json dest: "{{ zoreide_installation_path }}/zoreide.json" owner: root group: root mode: 0660 - name: Configure iptables when: - "zoreide_enabled is true" - "ansible_facts.services['iptables.service'] is defined" block: - name: Allow related and established connections ansible.builtin.iptables: chain: INPUT protocol: udp destination_port: "{{ zoreide_ha_port }}" ctstate: NEW syn: match jump: ACCEPT comment: Zoreide HA Port - name: Save rules with iptables-persistent v6 ansible.builtin.shell: iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4