mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 01:52:37 +01:00
changed endpoints
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 110 additions and 75 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Ledger.Value
import Test.QuickCheck
import Week08.TokenSale
import Week08.TokenSale (TokenSale (..), TSOperateSchema', TSUseSchema, useTS, operateTS'', nftName)
data TSState = TSState
{ _tssPrice :: !Integer
@ -48,19 +48,24 @@ makeLenses ''TSModel
instance ContractModel TSModel where
data Action TSModel = Start Wallet | TSAction Wallet Wallet TSRedeemer
data Action TSModel =
Start Wallet
| SetPrice Wallet Integer
| AddTokens Wallet Integer
| Withdraw Wallet Integer Integer
| BuyTokens Wallet Wallet Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ContractInstanceKey TSModel w s e where
StartKey :: Wallet -> ContractInstanceKey TSModel (Last TokenSale) TSStartSchema' Text
UseKey :: Wallet -> Wallet -> ContractInstanceKey TSModel () TSUseSchema Text
OperateKey :: Wallet -> ContractInstanceKey TSModel (Last TokenSale) TSOperateSchema' Text
UseKey :: Wallet -> Wallet -> ContractInstanceKey TSModel () TSUseSchema Text
arbitraryAction _ = oneof $
(Start <$> genSeller) :
[ (\v w p -> TSAction v w $ SetPrice p) <$> genSeller <*> genUser <*> arbitrary ] ++
[ (\v w n -> TSAction v w $ AddTokens n) <$> genSeller <*> genUser <*> arbitrary ] ++
[ (\v w n -> TSAction v w $ BuyTokens n) <$> genSeller <*> genUser <*> arbitrary ] ++
[ (\v w n l -> TSAction v w $ Withdraw n l) <$> genSeller <*> genUser <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ]
[ SetPrice <$> genSeller <*> genNonNeg ] ++
[ AddTokens <$> genSeller <*> genNonNeg ] ++
[ Withdraw <$> genSeller <*> genNonNeg <*> genNonNeg ] ++
[ BuyTokens <$> genSeller <*> genUser <*> genNonNeg ]
initialState = TSModel Map.empty
@ -69,21 +74,21 @@ instance ContractModel TSModel where
(tsModel . at w) $= Just (TSState 0 0 0)
wait 1
nextState (TSAction v w (SetPrice p)) = when (v == w) $ do
(tsModel . ix v . tssPrice) $= p
nextState (SetPrice w p) = do
(tsModel . ix w . tssPrice) $= p
wait 1
nextState (TSAction v w (AddTokens n)) = do
started <- hasStarted v -- has the token sale started?
nextState (AddTokens w n) = do
started <- hasStarted w -- has the token sale started?
when (n > 0 && started) $ do
bc <- askModelState $ view $ balanceChange w
let token = tokens Map.! v
when (assetClassValueOf bc token >= n) $ do -- does the wallet have the tokens to give?
let token = tokens Map.! w
when (tokenAmt + assetClassValueOf bc token >= n) $ do -- does the wallet have the tokens to give?
withdraw w $ assetClassValue token n
(tsModel . ix v . tssToken) $~ (+ n)
(tsModel . ix w . tssToken) $~ (+ n)
wait 1
nextState (TSAction v w (BuyTokens n)) = do
nextState (BuyTokens v w n) = do
when (n > 0) $ do
m <- getTSState v
case m of
@ -94,22 +99,27 @@ instance ContractModel TSModel where
withdraw w $ lovelaceValueOf l
deposit w $ assetClassValue (tokens Map.! v) n
(tsModel . ix v . tssLovelace) $~ (+ l)
(tsModel . ix v . tssToken) $~ (+ (- n))
(tsModel . ix v . tssToken) $~ (+ (- n))
_ -> return ()
wait 1
nextState (TSAction v w (Withdraw n l)) = when (v == w) $ do
withdraw w $ lovelaceValueOf l <> assetClassValue (tokens Map.! v) n
(tsModel . ix v . tssLovelace) $~ (+ (- l))
(tsModel . ix v . tssToken) $~ (+ (- n))
nextState (Withdraw w n l) = do
m <- getTSState w
case m of
Just t
| t ^. tssToken >= n && t ^. tssLovelace >= l -> do
deposit w $ lovelaceValueOf l <> assetClassValue (tokens Map.! w) n
(tsModel . ix w . tssLovelace) $~ (+ (- l))
(tsModel . ix w . tssToken) $~ (+ (- n))
_ -> return ()
wait 1
perform h _ cmd = case cmd of
(Start w) -> callEndpoint @"start" (h $ StartKey w) (css Map.! w, tokenCurrency, tokenNames Map.! w) >> delay 1
(TSAction v w (SetPrice p)) -> callEndpoint @"set price" (h $ UseKey v w) p >> delay 1
(TSAction v w (AddTokens n)) -> callEndpoint @"add tokens" (h $ UseKey v w) n >> delay 1
(TSAction v w (BuyTokens n)) -> callEndpoint @"buy tokens" (h $ UseKey v w) n >> delay 1
(TSAction v w (Withdraw n l)) -> callEndpoint @"withdraw" (h $ UseKey v w) (n, l) >> delay 1
(Start w) -> callEndpoint @"start" (h $ OperateKey w) (css Map.! w, tokenCurrency, tokenNames Map.! w) >> delay 1
(SetPrice w p) -> callEndpoint @"set price" (h $ OperateKey w) p >> delay 1
(AddTokens w n) -> callEndpoint @"add tokens" (h $ OperateKey w) n >> delay 1
(Withdraw w n l) -> callEndpoint @"withdraw" (h $ OperateKey w) (n, l) >> delay 1
(BuyTokens v w n) -> callEndpoint @"buy tokens" (h $ UseKey v w) n >> delay 1
precondition s (Start w) = isNothing $ getTSState' s w
precondition _ _ = True
@ -163,15 +173,21 @@ delay = void . waitNSlots . fromIntegral
instanceSpec :: [ContractInstanceSpec TSModel]
instanceSpec =
[ContractInstanceSpec (StartKey w) w $ startTS'' | w <- [w1, w2]] ++
[ContractInstanceSpec (OperateKey w) w $ operateTS'' | w <- [w1, w2]] ++
[ContractInstanceSpec (UseKey v w) w $ useTS $ tss Map.! v | v <- [w1, w2], w <- [w3, w4]]
genSeller, genUser :: Gen Wallet
genSeller = elements [w1, w2]
genUser = elements [w3, w4]
genNonNeg :: Gen Integer
genNonNeg = getNonNegative <$> arbitrary
tokenAmt :: Integer
tokenAmt = 1_000
prop_TS :: Actions TSModel -> Property
prop_TS = propRunActionsWithOptions
prop_TS = withMaxSuccess 1000 . propRunActionsWithOptions
(defaultCheckOptions & emulatorConfig .~ EmulatorConfig (Left d))
(const $ pure True)
@ -180,7 +196,7 @@ prop_TS = propRunActionsWithOptions
d = Map.fromList $ [ ( w
, lovelaceValueOf 1000_000_000 <>
(nfts Map.! w) <>
mconcat [assetClassValue t 1000 | t <- Map.elems tokens])
mconcat [assetClassValue t tokenAmt | t <- Map.elems tokens])
| w <- [w1, w2]
] ++
[(w, lovelaceValueOf 1000_000_000) | w <- [w3, w4]]
@ -188,3 +204,14 @@ prop_TS = propRunActionsWithOptions
test :: IO ()
test = quickCheck prop_TS
unitTest :: IO ()
unitTest = quickCheck $ withMaxSuccess 1 $ prop_TS $ Actions
[ Start (Wallet 1),
SetPrice (Wallet 1) 2,
AddTokens (Wallet 1) 4,
BuyTokens (Wallet 1) (Wallet 3) 4,
AddTokens (Wallet 1) 6,
Withdraw (Wallet 1) 2 7
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ module Week08.TokenSale
( TokenSale (..)
, TSRedeemer (..)
, nftName
, TSStartSchema
, TSStartSchema'
, TSOperateSchema
, TSOperateSchema'
, TSUseSchema
, startTS'
, startTS''
, operateTS'
, operateTS''
, useTS
) where
@ -65,18 +65,19 @@ lovelaces = Ada.getLovelace . Ada.fromValue
{-# INLINABLE transition #-}
transition :: TokenSale -> State Integer -> TSRedeemer -> Maybe (TxConstraints Void Void, State Integer)
transition ts s r = case (stateValue s, stateData s, r) of
(v, _, SetPrice p) -> Just ( Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (tsSeller ts)
, State p (v <> nft (negate 1))
(v, p, AddTokens n) -> Just ( mempty
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) n
(v, p, BuyTokens n) -> Just ( mempty
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) (negate n) <> lovelaceValueOf (n * p)
(v, p, Withdraw n l) -> Just ( Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (tsSeller ts)
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) (negate n) <> lovelaceValueOf (negate l)
(v, _, SetPrice p) | p >= 0 -> Just ( Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (tsSeller ts)
, State p (v <> nft (negate 1))
(v, p, AddTokens n) | n > 0 -> Just ( mempty
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) n
(v, p, BuyTokens n) | n > 0 -> Just ( mempty
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) (negate n) <> lovelaceValueOf (n * p)
(v, p, Withdraw n l) | n >= 0 && l >= 0 -> Just ( Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (tsSeller ts)
, State p $ v <> nft (negate 1) <> assetClassValue (tsToken ts) (negate n) <> lovelaceValueOf (negate l)
_ -> Nothing
nft :: Integer -> Value
nft = assetClassValue (tsNFT ts)
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ mapErrorSM = mapError $ pack . show
nftName :: TokenName
nftName = "NFT"
startTS :: HasBlockchainActions s => Maybe CurrencySymbol -> AssetClass -> Contract (Last TokenSale) s Text ()
startTS :: HasBlockchainActions s => Maybe CurrencySymbol -> AssetClass -> Contract (Last TokenSale) s Text TokenSale
startTS mcs token = do
pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
cs <- case mcs of
@ -132,12 +133,13 @@ startTS mcs token = do
void $ mapErrorSM $ runInitialise client 0 mempty
tell $ Last $ Just ts
logInfo $ "started token sale " ++ show ts
return ts
setPrice :: HasBlockchainActions s => TokenSale -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
setPrice ts p = void $ mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ SetPrice p
addTokens :: HasBlockchainActions s => TokenSale -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
addTokens ts n = void $ mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ AddTokens n
addTokens ts n = void (mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ AddTokens n)
buyTokens :: HasBlockchainActions s => TokenSale -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
buyTokens ts n = void $ mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ BuyTokens n
@ -145,28 +147,44 @@ buyTokens ts n = void $ mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ BuyTokens n
withdraw :: HasBlockchainActions s => TokenSale -> Integer -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
withdraw ts n l = void $ mapErrorSM $ runStep (tsClient ts) $ Withdraw n l
type TSStartSchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "start" (CurrencySymbol, TokenName)
type TSStartSchema' = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "start" (CurrencySymbol, CurrencySymbol, TokenName)
type TSUseSchema = BlockchainActions
type TSOperateSchema = BlockchainActions
.\/ Endpoint "start" (CurrencySymbol, TokenName)
.\/ Endpoint "set price" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "add tokens" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "buy tokens" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "withdraw" (Integer, Integer)
type TSOperateSchema' = BlockchainActions
.\/ Endpoint "start" (CurrencySymbol, CurrencySymbol, TokenName)
.\/ Endpoint "set price" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "add tokens" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "withdraw" (Integer, Integer)
type TSUseSchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "buy tokens" Integer
startTS' :: Contract (Last TokenSale) TSStartSchema Text ()
startTS' = start >> startTS'
operateTS :: forall s.
( HasBlockchainActions s
, HasEndpoint "set price" Integer s
, HasEndpoint "add tokens" Integer s
, HasEndpoint "withdraw" (Integer, Integer) s
=> Maybe CurrencySymbol
-> CurrencySymbol
-> TokenName
-> Contract (Last TokenSale) s Text ()
operateTS mcs cs tn = startTS mcs (AssetClass (cs, tn)) >>= go
start = endpoint @"start" >>= startTS Nothing . AssetClass
go :: TokenSale -> Contract (Last TokenSale) s Text ()
go ts = (setPrice' `select` addTokens' `select` withdraw') >> go ts
setPrice' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"set price" >>= setPrice ts
addTokens' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"add tokens" >>= addTokens ts
withdraw' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"withdraw" >>= uncurry (withdraw ts)
startTS'' :: Contract (Last TokenSale) TSStartSchema' Text ()
startTS'' = start >> startTS''
start = endpoint @"start" >>= \(cs1, cs2, tn) -> startTS (Just cs1) $ AssetClass (cs2, tn)
operateTS' :: Contract (Last TokenSale) TSOperateSchema Text ()
operateTS' = endpoint @"start" >>= uncurry (operateTS Nothing)
operateTS'' :: Contract (Last TokenSale) TSOperateSchema' Text ()
operateTS'' = endpoint @"start" >>= \(cs1, cs2, tn) -> operateTS (Just cs1) cs2 tn
useTS :: TokenSale -> Contract () TSUseSchema Text ()
useTS ts = (setPrice' `select` addTokens' `select` buyTokens' `select` withdraw') >> useTS ts
useTS ts = buyTokens' >> useTS ts
setPrice' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"set price" >>= setPrice ts
addTokens' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"add tokens" >>= addTokens ts
buyTokens' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"buy tokens" >>= buyTokens ts
withdraw' = handleError logError $ endpoint @"withdraw" >>= uncurry (withdraw ts)
@ -56,31 +56,24 @@ token2 = AssetClass (currency2, name2)
myTrace :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace = do
h <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) startTS'
callEndpoint @"start" h (currency1, name1)
h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) operateTS'
callEndpoint @"start" h1 (currency1, name1)
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
Last m <- observableState h
Last m <- observableState h1
case m of
Nothing -> Extras.logError @String "error starting token sale"
Just ts -> do
Extras.logInfo $ "started token sale " ++ show ts
h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) $ useTS ts
h2 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) $ useTS ts
h3 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 3) $ useTS ts
callEndpoint @"set price" h1 1_000_000
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
callEndpoint @"set price" h2 2_000_000
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
callEndpoint @"add tokens" h1 100
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
callEndpoint @"add tokens" h2 10
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
callEndpoint @"buy tokens" h2 20
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
@ -89,6 +82,3 @@ myTrace = do
callEndpoint @"withdraw" h1 (40, 10_000_000)
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
callEndpoint @"withdraw" h2 (40, 10_000_000)
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
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