mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 01:52:37 +01:00
first working version of EvenOdd
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 380 additions and 201 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ License-files: LICENSE
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Week07.Oracle.Core
exposed-modules: Week07.EvenOdd
, Week07.Test
build-depends: aeson
, base ^>=
, containers
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Week07.EvenOdd
( Game (..)
, GameChoice (..)
, FirstParams (..)
, SecondParams (..)
, GameSchema
, endpoints
) where
import Control.Monad hiding (fmap)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Plutus.Contract as Contract hiding (when)
import qualified PlutusTx
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup(..), unless)
import Ledger hiding (singleton)
import Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Playground.Contract (ToSchema)
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Prelude
data Game = Game
{ gFirst :: !PubKeyHash
, gSecond :: !PubKeyHash
, gStake :: !Integer
, gPlayDeadline :: !Slot
, gRevealDeadline :: !Slot
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Game
data GameChoice = Zero | One
deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord)
instance Eq GameChoice where
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
Zero == Zero = True
One == One = True
_ == _ = False
PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''GameChoice
data GameDatum = GameDatum ByteString (Maybe GameChoice)
deriving Show
instance Eq GameDatum where
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
GameDatum bs mc == GameDatum bs' mc' = (bs == bs') && (mc == mc')
PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''GameDatum
data GameRedeemer = Play GameChoice | Reveal ByteString | ClaimFirst | ClaimSecond
deriving Show
PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''GameRedeemer
{-# INLINABLE lovelaces #-}
lovelaces :: Value -> Integer
lovelaces = Ada.getLovelace . Ada.fromValue
{-# INLINABLE mkGameValidator #-}
mkGameValidator :: Game -> ByteString -> ByteString -> GameDatum -> GameRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkGameValidator game bsZero' bsOne' dat red ctx = case (dat, red) of
(GameDatum bs Nothing, Play c) ->
traceIfFalse "not signed by second player" (txSignedBy info (gSecond game)) &&
traceIfFalse "first player's stake missing" (lovelaces (txOutValue ownInput) == gStake game) &&
traceIfFalse "second player's stake missing" (lovelaces (txOutValue ownOutput) == (2 * gStake game)) &&
traceIfFalse "wrong output datum" (outputDatum == GameDatum bs (Just c)) &&
traceIfFalse "missed deadline" (to (gPlayDeadline game) `contains` txInfoValidRange info)
(GameDatum bs (Just c), Reveal nonce) ->
traceIfFalse "not signed by first player" (txSignedBy info (gFirst game)) &&
traceIfFalse "commit mismatch" (checkNonce bs nonce c) &&
traceIfFalse "missed deadline" (to (gRevealDeadline game) `contains` txInfoValidRange info)
(GameDatum _ Nothing, ClaimFirst) ->
traceIfFalse "not signed by first player" (txSignedBy info (gFirst game)) &&
traceIfFalse "too early" (from (1 + gPlayDeadline game) `contains` txInfoValidRange info)
(GameDatum _ (Just _), ClaimSecond) ->
traceIfFalse "not signed by second player" (txSignedBy info (gSecond game)) &&
traceIfFalse "to early" (from (1 + gRevealDeadline game) `contains` txInfoValidRange info)
_ -> False
info :: TxInfo
info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx
ownInput :: TxOut
ownInput = case findOwnInput ctx of
Nothing -> traceError "game input missing"
Just i -> txInInfoResolved i
ownOutput :: TxOut
ownOutput = case getContinuingOutputs ctx of
[o] -> o
_ -> traceError "expected exactly one game output"
outputDatum :: GameDatum
outputDatum = case m of
Nothing -> traceError "game output datum not found"
Just d -> d
m :: Maybe GameDatum
m = do
dh <- txOutDatum ownOutput
Datum d <- findDatum dh info
PlutusTx.fromData d
checkNonce :: ByteString -> ByteString -> GameChoice -> Bool
checkNonce bs nonce cSecond = sha2_256 (nonce `concatenate` cFirst) == bs
cFirst :: ByteString
cFirst = case cSecond of
Zero -> bsZero'
One -> bsOne'
data Gaming
instance Scripts.ScriptType Gaming where
type instance DatumType Gaming = GameDatum
type instance RedeemerType Gaming = GameRedeemer
bsZero, bsOne :: ByteString
bsZero = "0"
bsOne = "1"
gameInst :: Game -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Gaming
gameInst game = Scripts.validator @Gaming
($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkGameValidator ||])
`PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode game
`PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode bsZero
`PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode bsOne)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @GameDatum @GameRedeemer
gameValidator :: Game -> Validator
gameValidator = Scripts.validatorScript . gameInst
gameAddress :: Game -> Ledger.Address
gameAddress = scriptAddress . gameValidator
data FirstParams = FirstParams
{ fpSecond :: !PubKeyHash
, fpStake :: !Integer
, fpPlayDeadline :: !Slot
, fpRevealDeadline :: !Slot
, fpNonce :: !ByteString
, fpChoice :: !GameChoice
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema)
firstGame :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => FirstParams -> Contract w s Text ()
firstGame fp = do
pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
let game = Game
{ gFirst = pkh
, gSecond = fpSecond fp
, gStake = fpStake fp
, gPlayDeadline = fpPlayDeadline fp
, gRevealDeadline = fpRevealDeadline fp
v = lovelaceValueOf $ fpStake fp
c = fpChoice fp
bs = sha2_256 $ fpNonce fp `concatenate` if c == Zero then bsZero else bsOne
tx = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript (GameDatum bs Nothing) v
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints (gameInst game) tx
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "made first move: " ++ show (fpChoice fp)
void $ awaitSlot $ 1 + fpPlayDeadline fp
m <- findOutput game bs c
case m of
Nothing -> logInfo @String "no opportunity to win"
Just (oref, o, Nothing) -> do
logInfo @String "second player did not play"
let lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o) <>
Constraints.otherScript (gameValidator game)
tx' = Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData ClaimFirst)
ledgerTx' <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Gaming lookups tx'
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx'
logInfo @String "reclaimed stake"
Just (oref, o, Just _) -> do
logInfo @String "second player played and lost"
let lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o) <>
Constraints.otherScript (gameValidator game)
tx' = Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData $ Reveal $ fpNonce fp) <>
Constraints.mustValidateIn (to $ fpRevealDeadline fp)
ledgerTx' <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Gaming lookups tx'
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx'
logInfo @String "victory"
findOutput :: Game -> ByteString -> GameChoice -> Contract w s Text (Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, Maybe GameChoice))
findOutput game bs c = do
utxos <- utxoAt $ gameAddress game
return $ case mapMaybe f $ Map.toList utxos of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> case find (\(_, _, mc) -> isJust mc) xs of
Nothing -> Just $ head xs -- we know this list is not empty, because we are in the second case
Just x -> Just x
f :: (TxOutRef, TxOutTx) -> Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, Maybe GameChoice)
f (oref, o) = do
guard $ lovelaces (txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) == 2 * fpStake fp
dh <- txOutDatum $ txOutTxOut o
Datum d <- Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
dat <- PlutusTx.fromData d
case dat of
GameDatum bs' mc
| bs' == bs && (isNothing mc || mc == Just c) -> return (oref, o, mc)
_ -> Nothing
data SecondParams = SecondParams
{ spFirst :: !PubKeyHash
, spStake :: !Integer
, spPlayDeadline :: !Slot
, spRevealDeadline :: !Slot
, spChoice :: !GameChoice
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema)
secondGame :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => SecondParams -> Contract w s Text ()
secondGame sp = do
pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
let game = Game
{ gFirst = spFirst sp
, gSecond = pkh
, gStake = spStake sp
, gPlayDeadline = spPlayDeadline sp
, gRevealDeadline = spRevealDeadline sp
m <- findOutput game
case m of
Nothing -> logInfo @String "no running game found"
Just (oref, o, bs) -> do
logInfo @String "running game found"
let v = lovelaceValueOf $ spStake sp
c = spChoice sp
lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o) <>
Constraints.otherScript (gameValidator game) <>
Constraints.scriptInstanceLookups (gameInst game)
tx = Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData $ Play c) <>
Constraints.mustPayToTheScript (GameDatum bs $ Just c) (v <> v) <>
Constraints.mustValidateIn (to $ spPlayDeadline sp)
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Gaming lookups tx
let tid = txId ledgerTx
void $ awaitTxConfirmed tid
logInfo @String $ "made second move: " ++ show (spChoice sp)
void $ awaitSlot $ 1 + spRevealDeadline sp
m' <- findOutput' game tid
case m' of
Nothing -> logInfo @String "first player won"
Just (oref', o') -> do
logInfo @String "first player didn't reveal"
let lookups' = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref' o') <>
Constraints.otherScript (gameValidator game)
tx' = Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref' (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData ClaimSecond) <>
Constraints.mustValidateIn (from $ 1 + spRevealDeadline sp)
ledgerTx' <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Gaming lookups' tx'
void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx'
logInfo @String "second player won"
findOutput :: Game -> Contract w s Text (Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, ByteString))
findOutput game = do
now <- currentSlot
if now > spPlayDeadline sp
then return Nothing
else do
utxos <- utxoAt $ gameAddress game
return $ case mapMaybe f $ Map.toList utxos of
[] -> Nothing
x : _ -> Just x
f :: (TxOutRef, TxOutTx) -> Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, ByteString)
f (oref, o) = do
guard $ lovelaces (txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) == spStake sp
dh <- txOutDatum $ txOutTxOut o
Datum d <- Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
dat <- PlutusTx.fromData d
case dat of
GameDatum bs Nothing -> return (oref, o, bs)
_ -> Nothing
findOutput' :: Game -> TxId -> Contract w s Text (Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx))
findOutput' game tid = do
utxos <- utxoAt $ gameAddress game
return $ find (\(oref, _) -> txOutRefId oref == tid) $ Map.toList utxos
type GameSchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "first" FirstParams .\/ Endpoint "second" SecondParams
endpoints :: Contract () GameSchema Text ()
endpoints = (first `select` second) >> endpoints
first = endpoint @"first" >>= firstGame
second = endpoint @"second" >>= secondGame
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Week07.Oracle.Core
( Oracle (..)
, OracleRedeemer (..)
, oracleTokenName
, oracleValue
, oracleAsset
, oracleInst
, oracleValidator
, oracleAddress
, OracleSchema
, OracleParams (..)
, runOracle
, findOracle
) where
import Control.Monad hiding (fmap)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Plutus.Contract as Contract hiding (when)
import qualified PlutusTx
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup(..), unless)
import Ledger hiding (singleton)
import Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Value as Value
import Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Plutus.Contracts.Currency as Currency
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Prelude as Prelude
data Oracle = Oracle
{ oSymbol :: !CurrencySymbol
, oOperator :: !PubKeyHash
, oFee :: !Integer
, oAsset :: !AssetClass
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Oracle
data OracleRedeemer = Update | Use
deriving Show
PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''OracleRedeemer
{-# INLINABLE oracleTokenName #-}
oracleTokenName :: TokenName
oracleTokenName = TokenName emptyByteString
{-# INLINABLE oracleAsset #-}
oracleAsset :: Oracle -> AssetClass
oracleAsset oracle = AssetClass (oSymbol oracle, oracleTokenName)
{-# INLINABLE oracleValue #-}
oracleValue :: TxOut -> (DatumHash -> Maybe Datum) -> Maybe Integer
oracleValue o f = do
dh <- txOutDatum o
Datum d <- f dh
PlutusTx.fromData d
{-# INLINABLE mkOracleValidator #-}
mkOracleValidator :: Oracle -> Integer -> OracleRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkOracleValidator oracle x r ctx =
traceIfFalse "token missing from input" inputHasToken &&
traceIfFalse "token missing from output" outputHasToken &&
case r of
Update -> traceIfFalse "operator signature missing" (txSignedBy info $ oOperator oracle) &&
traceIfFalse "invalid output datum" validOutputDatum
Use -> traceIfFalse "oracle value changed" (outputDatum == Just x) &&
traceIfFalse "fees not paid" feesPaid
info :: TxInfo
info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx
ownInput :: TxOut
ownInput = case findOwnInput ctx of
Nothing -> traceError "oracle input missing"
Just i -> txInInfoResolved i
inputHasToken :: Bool
inputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownInput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1
ownOutput :: TxOut
ownOutput = case getContinuingOutputs ctx of
[o] -> o
_ -> traceError "expected exactly one oracle output"
outputHasToken :: Bool
outputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownOutput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1
outputDatum :: Maybe Integer
outputDatum = oracleValue ownOutput (`findDatum` info)
validOutputDatum :: Bool
validOutputDatum = isJust outputDatum
feesPaid :: Bool
feesPaid =
inVal = txOutValue ownInput
outVal = txOutValue ownOutput
outVal `geq` (inVal <> Ada.lovelaceValueOf (oFee oracle))
data Oracling
instance Scripts.ScriptType Oracling where
type instance DatumType Oracling = Integer
type instance RedeemerType Oracling = OracleRedeemer
oracleInst :: Oracle -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Oracling
oracleInst oracle = Scripts.validator @Oracling
($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkOracleValidator ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode oracle)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @Integer @OracleRedeemer
oracleValidator :: Oracle -> Validator
oracleValidator = Scripts.validatorScript . oracleInst
oracleAddress :: Oracle -> Ledger.Address
oracleAddress = scriptAddress . oracleValidator
data OracleParams = OracleParams
{ opFees :: !Integer
, opSymbol :: !CurrencySymbol
, opToken :: !TokenName
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
startOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => OracleParams -> Contract w s Text Oracle
startOracle op = do
pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
osc <- mapError (pack . show) (forgeContract pkh [(oracleTokenName, 1)] :: Contract w s CurrencyError OneShotCurrency)
let cs = Currency.currencySymbol osc
oracle = Oracle
{ oSymbol = cs
, oOperator = pkh
, oFee = opFees op
, oAsset = AssetClass (opSymbol op, opToken op)
logInfo @String $ "started oracle " ++ show oracle
return oracle
updateOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
updateOracle oracle x = do
m <- findOracle oracle
let c = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript x $ assetClassValue (oracleAsset oracle) 1
case m of
Nothing -> do
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints (oracleInst oracle) c
awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "set initial oracle value to " ++ show x
Just (oref, o, _) -> do
let lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o) <>
Constraints.scriptInstanceLookups (oracleInst oracle) <>
Constraints.otherScript (oracleValidator oracle)
tx = c <> Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Update)
ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Oracling lookups tx
awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "updated oracle value to " ++ show x
findOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Contract w s Text (Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, Integer))
findOracle oracle = do
utxos <- Map.filter f <$> utxoAt (oracleAddress oracle)
return $ case Map.toList utxos of
[(oref, o)] -> do
x <- oracleValue (txOutTxOut o) $ \dh -> Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
return (oref, o, x)
_ -> Nothing
f :: TxOutTx -> Bool
f o = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1
type OracleSchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "update" Integer
runOracle :: OracleParams -> Contract (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text ()
runOracle op = do
oracle <- startOracle op
tell $ Last $ Just oracle
go oracle
go :: Oracle -> Contract (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text a
go oracle = do
x <- endpoint @"update"
updateOracle oracle x
go oracle
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Week07.Test where
import Control.Monad hiding (fmap)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Extras as Extras
import Ledger
import Plutus.Trace.Emulator as Emulator
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup(..), unless)
import Wallet.Emulator.Wallet
import Week07.EvenOdd
test :: IO ()
test = do
runEmulatorTraceIO $ myTrace Zero Zero
runEmulatorTraceIO $ myTrace Zero One
runEmulatorTraceIO $ myTrace One Zero
runEmulatorTraceIO $ myTrace One One
myTrace :: GameChoice -> GameChoice -> EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace c1 c2 = do
Extras.logInfo $ "first move: " ++ show c1 ++ ", second move: " ++ show c2
h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) endpoints
h2 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) endpoints
let pkh1 = pubKeyHash $ walletPubKey $ Wallet 1
pkh2 = pubKeyHash $ walletPubKey $ Wallet 2
fp = FirstParams
{ fpSecond = pkh2
, fpStake = 5000000
, fpPlayDeadline = 5
, fpRevealDeadline = 10
, fpNonce = "SECRETNONCE"
, fpChoice = c1
sp = SecondParams
{ spFirst = pkh1
, spStake = 5000000
, spPlayDeadline = 5
, spRevealDeadline = 10
, spChoice = c2
callEndpoint @"first" h1 fp
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3
callEndpoint @"second" h2 sp
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 10
Add table
Reference in a new issue