index-state: 2021-04-13T00:00:00Z packages: ./. -- You never, ever, want this. write-ghc-environment-files: never -- Always build tests and benchmarks. tests: true benchmarks: true source-repository-package type: git location: subdir: freer-extras playground-common plutus-core plutus-contract plutus-ledger plutus-ledger-api plutus-pab plutus-tx plutus-tx-plugin plutus-use-cases prettyprinter-configurable quickcheck-dynamic tag: 530cc134364ae186f39fb2b54239fb7c5e2986e9 -- The following sections are copied from the 'plutus' repository cabal.project at the revision -- given above. -- This is necessary because the 'plutus' libraries depend on a number of other libraries which are -- not on Hackage, and so need to be pulled in as `source-repository-package`s themselves. Make sure to -- re-update this section from the template when you do an upgrade. -- This is also needed so evenful-sql-common will build with a -- newer version of persistent. See stack.yaml for the mirrored -- configuration. package eventful-sql-common ghc-options: -XDerivingStrategies -XStandaloneDeriving -XUndecidableInstances -XDataKinds -XFlexibleInstances allow-newer: -- Has a commit to allow newer aeson, not on Hackage yet monoidal-containers:aeson -- Pins to an old version of Template Haskell, unclear if/when it will be updated , size-based:template-haskell -- The following two dependencies are needed by plutus. , eventful-sql-common:persistent , eventful-sql-common:persistent-template constraints: -- aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-wai doesn't compile with newer versions aws-lambda-haskell-runtime <= 3.0.3 -- big breaking change here, inline-r doens't have an upper bound , singletons < 3.0 -- breaks eventful even more than it already was , persistent-template < 2.12 -- See the note on nix/pkgs/default.nix:agdaPackages for why this is here. -- (NOTE this will change to ieee754 in newer versions of nixpkgs). extra-packages: ieee, filemanip -- Needs some patches, but upstream seems to be fairly dead (no activity in > 1 year) source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 6a92d7853ea514be8b70bab5e72077bf5a510596 source-repository-package type: git location: tag: a76104490499aa72d40c2790d10e9383e0dbde63 source-repository-package type: git location: tag: f73079303f663e028288f9f4a9e08bcca39a923e source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 4251c0bb6e4f443f00231d28f5f70d42876da055 subdir: binary binary/test slotting cardano-crypto-class cardano-crypto-praos source-repository-package type: git location: tag: ee4e7b547a991876e6b05ba542f4e62909f4a571 subdir: cardano-prelude cardano-prelude-test source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 6cb9052bde39472a0555d19ade8a42da63d3e904 subdir: typed-protocols typed-protocols-examples ouroboros-network ouroboros-network-testing ouroboros-network-framework io-sim io-sim-classes network-mux Win32-network source-repository-package type: git location: tag: a89c38ed5825ba17ca79fddb85651007753d699d subdir: iohk-monitoring tracer-transformers contra-tracer plugins/backend-ekg source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 097890495cbb0e8b62106bcd090a5721c3f4b36f subdir: byron/chain/executable-spec byron/crypto byron/crypto/test byron/ledger/executable-spec byron/ledger/impl byron/ledger/impl/test semantics/executable-spec semantics/small-steps-test shelley/chain-and-ledger/dependencies/non-integer shelley/chain-and-ledger/executable-spec shelley-ma/impl source-repository-package type: git location: tag: cde90a2b27f79187ca8310b6549331e59595e7ba