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synced 2025-02-11 21:11:58 +01:00
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228 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main
( main
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Aeson (Result (..), ToJSON, decode, encode, fromJSON)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.UUID hiding (fromString)
import Ledger.Value (AssetClass (..), CurrencySymbol, Value, flattenValue, TokenName)
import Network.HTTP.Req
import qualified Plutus.Contracts.Uniswap as US
import Plutus.PAB.Events.ContractInstanceState (PartiallyDecodedResponse (..))
import Plutus.PAB.Webserver.Types
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Wallet.Emulator.Types (Wallet (..))
import Uniswap (cidFile, UniswapContracts)
main :: IO ()
main = do
w <- Wallet . read . head <$> getArgs
cid <- read <$> readFile (cidFile w)
mcs <- decode <$> LB.readFile "symbol.json"
case mcs of
Nothing -> putStrLn "invalid symbol.json" >> exitFailure
Just cs -> do
putStrLn $ "cid: " ++ show cid
putStrLn $ "symbol: " ++ show (cs :: CurrencySymbol)
go cid cs
go :: UUID -> CurrencySymbol -> IO a
go cid cs = do
cmd <- readCommandIO
case cmd of
Funds -> getFunds cid
Pools -> getPools cid
Create amtA tnA amtB tnB -> createPool cid $ toCreateParams cs amtA tnA amtB tnB
Add amtA tnA amtB tnB -> addLiquidity cid $ toAddParams cs amtA tnA amtB tnB
Remove amt tnA tnB -> removeLiquidity cid $ toRemoveParams cs amt tnA tnB
Close tnA tnB -> closePool cid $ toCloseParams cs tnA tnB
Swap amtA tnA tnB -> swap cid $ toSwapParams cs amtA tnA tnB
go cid cs
data Command =
| Pools
| Create Integer Char Integer Char
| Add Integer Char Integer Char
| Remove Integer Char Char
| Close Char Char
| Swap Integer Char Char
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
readCommandIO :: IO Command
readCommandIO = do
putStrLn "Enter a command: Funds, Pools, Create amtA tnA amtB tnB, Add amtA tnA amtB tnB, Remove amt tnA tnB, Close tnA tnB, Swap amtA tnA tnB"
s <- getLine
maybe readCommandIO return $ readMaybe s
toCoin :: CurrencySymbol -> Char -> US.Coin c
toCoin cs tn = US.Coin $ AssetClass (cs, fromString [tn])
toCreateParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Integer -> Char -> Integer -> Char -> US.CreateParams
toCreateParams cs amtA tnA amtB tnB = US.CreateParams (toCoin cs tnA) (toCoin cs tnB) (US.Amount amtA) (US.Amount amtB)
toAddParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Integer -> Char -> Integer -> Char -> US.AddParams
toAddParams cs amtA tnA amtB tnB = US.AddParams (toCoin cs tnA) (toCoin cs tnB) (US.Amount amtA) (US.Amount amtB)
toRemoveParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Integer -> Char -> Char -> US.RemoveParams
toRemoveParams cs amt tnA tnB = US.RemoveParams (toCoin cs tnA) (toCoin cs tnB) (US.Amount amt)
toCloseParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Char -> Char -> US.CloseParams
toCloseParams cs tnA tnB = US.CloseParams (toCoin cs tnA) (toCoin cs tnB)
toSwapParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Integer -> Char -> Char -> US.SwapParams
toSwapParams cs amtA tnA tnB = US.SwapParams (toCoin cs tnA) (toCoin cs tnB) (US.Amount amtA) (US.Amount 0)
showCoinHeader :: IO ()
showCoinHeader = printf "\n currency symbol token name amount\n\n"
showCoin :: CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> Integer -> IO ()
showCoin cs tn = printf "%64s %66s %15d\n" (show cs) (show tn)
getFunds :: UUID -> IO ()
getFunds cid = do
callEndpoint cid "funds" ()
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right (US.Funds v) -> showFunds v
_ -> go
showFunds :: Value -> IO ()
showFunds v = do
forM_ (flattenValue v) $ \(cs, tn, amt) -> showCoin cs tn amt
printf "\n"
getPools :: UUID -> IO ()
getPools cid = do
callEndpoint cid "pools" ()
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right (US.Pools ps) -> showPools ps
_ -> go
showPools :: [((US.Coin US.A, US.Amount US.A), (US.Coin US.B, US.Amount US.B))] -> IO ()
showPools ps = do
forM_ ps $ \((US.Coin (AssetClass (csA, tnA)), amtA), (US.Coin (AssetClass (csB, tnB)), amtB)) -> do
showCoin csA tnA (US.unAmount amtA)
showCoin csB tnB (US.unAmount amtB)
createPool :: UUID -> US.CreateParams -> IO ()
createPool cid cp = do
callEndpoint cid "create" cp
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right US.Created -> putStrLn "created"
Left err' -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show err'
_ -> go
addLiquidity :: UUID -> US.AddParams -> IO ()
addLiquidity cid ap = do
callEndpoint cid "add" ap
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right US.Added -> putStrLn "added"
Left err' -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show err'
_ -> go
removeLiquidity :: UUID -> US.RemoveParams -> IO ()
removeLiquidity cid rp = do
callEndpoint cid "remove" rp
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right US.Removed -> putStrLn "removed"
Left err' -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show err'
_ -> go
closePool :: UUID -> US.CloseParams -> IO ()
closePool cid cp = do
callEndpoint cid "close" cp
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right US.Closed -> putStrLn "closed"
Left err' -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show err'
_ -> go
swap :: UUID -> US.SwapParams -> IO ()
swap cid sp = do
callEndpoint cid "swap" sp
threadDelay 2_000_000
go = do
e <- getStatus cid
case e of
Right US.Swapped -> putStrLn "swapped"
Left err' -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show err'
_ -> go
getStatus :: UUID -> IO (Either Text US.UserContractState)
getStatus cid = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
w <- req
(http "" /: "api" /: "new" /: "contract" /: "instance" /: pack (show cid) /: "status")
(Proxy :: Proxy (JsonResponse (ContractInstanceClientState UniswapContracts)))
(port 8080)
case fromJSON $ observableState $ cicCurrentState $ responseBody w of
Success (Last Nothing) -> liftIO $ threadDelay 1_000_000 >> getStatus cid
Success (Last (Just e)) -> return e
_ -> liftIO $ ioError $ userError "error decoding state"
callEndpoint :: ToJSON a => UUID -> String -> a -> IO ()
callEndpoint cid name a = handle h $ runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
liftIO $ printf "\npost request to 127.0.1:8080/api/new/contract/instance/%s/endpoint/%s\n" (show cid) name
liftIO $ printf "request body: %s\n\n" $ B8.unpack $ encode a
v <- req
(http "" /: "api" /: "new" /: "contract" /: "instance" /: pack (show cid) /: "endpoint" /: pack name)
(ReqBodyJson a)
(Proxy :: Proxy (JsonResponse ()))
(port 8080)
when (responseStatusCode v /= 200) $
liftIO $ ioError $ userError $ "error calling endpoint " ++ name
h :: HttpException -> IO ()
h = ioError . userError . show