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The use of simple and efficient communication systems is a priority today to increase the productivity of every type of business, to simplify operations and increase the engagement of one's workforce. Being able to make communication systems available even on the move is an even more urgent need in the current scenario of digital business, increasingly characterized by remote working and social collaboration.
<p>Mattermost allows you to connect people and tools and automate collaboration between them, for example by creating a notification system in real time for a given project. Mattermost is the ideal product for teams that need to collaborate in the design and development of a product or service.<br> Configurable for both internal and external use (therefore through a public domain), it is the best alternative to Slack.<br><br>The product also has a paid license type (directly billed by Mattermost), which allows you to access Premium features. Furthermore, Mattermost is fully extensible through third party and/or internally developed plugins.</p>
<p>Matrix is an open source project that uses a free, secure (end-to-end encryption with session-aware) and decentralized communications API standard to build a secure space for team communication.<br><br>You can then create private or public spaces, make calls (audio and video) through the integrated Jitsi server; using Element, or another valid client, you can connect to your chat and therefore to the various rooms you are part of also through another device.<br>Furthermore, Matrix has a considerable number of plugins that allow for example to connect a Telegram group to a Matrix group allowing the exchange of messages on both sides.<br>Last but not least, Matrix allows you to communicate with other Matrix servers, thus allowing communication between the users of these servers.<br><br>For more demanding and security-conscious customers, we add this link that shows the encryption algorithm and the protocol used: <ahref="https://gitlab.matrix.org/matrix-org/olm/blob/master/docs/megolm.md"target="_ blank"title="ThedocumentationexplainsindetailtheimplementationoftheMegolmratchetalgorithm.Thelinkopensonadedicatedtab.">https://gitlab.matrix.org/matrix-org/olm/blob/master/docs/megolm.md</a></p>
<p>As a fully on-premise data storage solution, <strong>Nextcloud</strong> offers the benefits of online collaboration without compliance and security risks.<br>It allows to share and collaborate on Office documents (through Collabora Office or OnlyOffice), managing calendars and contacts, and to have an integrated and secure web-meeting platform (Nextcloud Talk).<br>Finally, it allows complete customization through a Marketplace containing further extensions that implement its functions.<br><br>Currently it is one of the <strong>best alternatives to</strong> services like <strong>Dropbox or Google Drive</strong>: with added steroids!</p>
<pclass="mt-5"> Getting information or learning more about our modules is really simple:<br><br>1.<strong> Contact us to get a free appointment</strong> with our technicians<br> 2. Make yourself <strong>available </strong> in this appointment <strong> for a free checklist</strong>, perhaps even involving your trusted technician<br> 3. We will then elaborate a personalized <strong>resolutive estimate</strong> using the information that emerged from the inspection, divided into risk factors (from the most critical to the less serious) or by the needs exposed (services, configurations, requests).<br><br> You will therefore be free to evaluate and choose from the Modules proposed, the one you consider to be the best situation for you, always taking into account any risk factors reported.<br><br> Finally, you can contact us by sending an email<br><br><small><i>If you want to experiment with new technologies, you can also contact us in the Fediverse or on the Matrix! Our links in the footer.</i></small><br><br></p>