hardening-basic ========= This role harden a target with best practises for SSH, modprobe and sysctl Requirements ------------ . Role Variables -------------- - **hardening_sshd_enabled** (boolean): Enable or disable ssh hardening - **hardening_sshd_authorized_key_file** (string): Set the relative path for sshd authorized_key_file - **hardening_sshd_tcp_forward** (boolean): Enable or disable sshd tcp forwarding - **hardening_sshd_legal_banner** (boolean): Enable or disable sshd legal banner (/etc/issue.net) - **hardening_sshd_permissions_set_sticky_bit** (boolean): Enable or disable the sticky bit for sshd directory and files (root) - **hardening_sysctl_vm_swappiness** (integer): Set the value for sysctl vm.swappiness - **hardening_sysctl_disable_ipv6** (boolean): Enable or disable ipv6 though sysctl - **hardening_modprobe_disable_list** (dict): Array of sections. Each section contains an array of string: modules, protocols and so on that can be disabled through modprobe - **hardening_journald_system_max_use** (string): Example 250M - **hardening_journald_system_max_file_size** (string): Example 50M Dependencies ------------ . Example Playbook ---------------- `ansible-playbook -i inventory/example.yml handbook.yml --extra-vars="target=your_target" --tags hardening` License ------- GPLv3 Author Information ------------------ - [Claudio Maradonna](https://social.unitoo.it/claudio)