--- # tasks file for ipfs - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "ENABLED = {{ ipfs_enabled }}; ipfs role; setup the target as IPFS node" - when: - 'ipfs_enabled is true' block: - name: Setup ipfs-update when: - 'ipfs_setup is true' - "'global.update_only' not in ansible_run_tags" block: - name: Create ipfs group group: name: "{{ ipfs_group }}" state: present - name: Create ipfs user user: name: "{{ ipfs_user }}" state: present shell: /sbin/nologin group: "{{ ipfs_group }}" - name: Create working dir ansible.builtin.file: path: '/mnt/ipfs' state: directory owner: '{{ ipfs_user }}' group: '{{ ipfs_group }}' - name: Download ipfs-update for IPFS version control ansible.builtin.unarchive: src: 'https://dist.ipfs.tech/ipfs-update/v{{ ipfs_updater_version }}/ipfs-update_v{{ ipfs_updater_version }}_linux-{{ architecture_mapping[ansible_architecture] }}.tar.gz' dest: /tmp remote_src: yes owner: root group: root - name: Install ipfs-update ansible.builtin.copy: src: /tmp/ipfs-update/ipfs-update dest: /usr/local/bin/ipfs-update owner: ipfs group: ipfs mode: '1750' remote_src: yes - name: Install ipfs version specified when: 'ipfs_version is defined' become: true become_user: '{{ ipfs_user }}' block: - name: Create directory tree if not exists ansible.builtin.file: path: '~/{{ item.path }}' state: directory mode: '{{ item.mode }}' with_community.general.filetree: '../templates/ipfs/' when: item.state == 'directory' - name: Create and copy hardening files ansible.builtin.template: src: '{{ item.src }}' dest: '~/{{ item.path }}' with_community.general.filetree: '../templates/ipfs/' when: item.state == 'file' - name: Update ipfs-update version ansible.builtin.shell: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin ipfs-update versions - name: Install version ansible.builtin.shell: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin ipfs-update install {{ ipfs_version }} - include_tasks: "install_{{ ansible_service_mgr }}_service.yml" - name: Setup IPFS firewall ansible.builtin.include_role: name: iptables-ipfs