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< h1 class = "text-center" > Module Probe< / h1 >
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Technically defined as < strong > "Vulnerability Assessment"< / strong > , it is designed for offices and allows you to < strong > bring to light the most common and insidious vulnerabilities< / strong > , also recognized in the most important vulnerability databases. The Probe Module is < strong > necessary to formulate a defense plan< / strong > to support the customer, through the use of the Defense and Intelligence Modules.< br > < br > The Probe Module also allows us to process, < strong > an easily interpretable report< / strong > , of the vulnerabilities detected and the possible optimizations that can be carried out in the system analyzed and the possible problems in the case of missing response.< br > < br > This module can also be used to analyze small servers and network infrastructures, thus taking into consideration even the most customized configurations.< br > < br > The objective of the Probe Module is to make the customer aware of their IT situation, avoiding that it can turn into an unpleasant and difficult reality repairable.< br > < br > < h3 > What should you do?< / h3 > < br > < strong > Contact us< / strong > , this is the first fundamental step to start a journey towards greater security. Scroll for additional information.
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< p class = "mt-5" > Getting information or learning more about our modules is really simple:< br > < br > 1.< strong > Contact us to get a free appointment< / strong > with our technicians< br > 2. Make yourself < strong > available < / strong > in this appointment < strong > for a free checklist< / strong > , perhaps even involving your trusted technician< br > 3. We will then elaborate a personalized < strong > resolutive estimate< / strong > using the information that emerged from the inspection, divided into risk factors (from the most critical to the less serious) or by the needs exposed (services, configurations, requests).< br > < br > You will therefore be free to evaluate and choose from the Modules proposed, the one you consider to be the best situation for you, always taking into account any risk factors reported.< br > < br > Finally, you can contact us by sending an email< br > < br > < small > < i > If you want to experiment with new technologies, you can also contact us in the Fediverse or on the Matrix! Our links in the footer.< / i > < / small > < br > < br > < / p >
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