
802 B

Doom-Emacs configuration

Quick setup

  1. Copy those files in the ~/.doom.d folder
  2. Adjust init.el file with your preferences
  3. Add/ Remove hooks from config.el
  4. Follow doom-emacs install


  • every time you change your init.el file, run ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom sync
  • to check missing modules, packages or dependencies use ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom doctor and follow specific instructions

Our config


  • Common LISP
  • Emacs LISP
  • Go
  • Haskell
  • JSON
  • Javascript
  • Markdown
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Rust
  • Sh
  • Web (Generic module)
  • Yaml

Other packages

  • LSP + Company -> autocompletion
  • iBuffer -> buffer management
  • docker -> docker commands and shortcuts
  • magit
  • workspace -> project isolated spaces